
Yesterday did not go as planned

Lions and Tigers and Bears--Oh My! (Not quite) Yesterday did not go as planned. The Jacksonville Zoo had a $5 admission sale going on. That would have been great except the entire city decided to show up. By the time we got there—we live a good hour away—not only were...

Clay’s Kickstarter Campaign: It’s ALIVE~!

Clay’s Kickstarter Campaign: It’s ALIVE~!

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1463184979/the-agora-letters-historical-mysteries?ref=ci75s4 Last night, for our Kickstarter launch, we held a small pizza launch party for local friends and family. It was a blast--I REALLY wish my house and wallet were big enough...

Major Update to Two Tocks before Midnight

Major Update to Two Tocks before Midnight

I just finished a major revision of Two Tocks before Midnight with major help from Kerry Donovan. The story line did not change, but the little things were, I believe, made much bigger. If you haven't read it yet, please download it and then reply to this email with...
