
Mr. Lazar’s Twelfth Mystery Murder on the Brewster Flats

My good friend, Aaron Paul Lazar, is moments away from releasing his twelfth (12!) Gus LeGarde mystery. If you like smooth writing that takes you places, enjoy smelling the roses, or revel in the experience that only a quiet mystery can give, give it a shot. Although...
Our Cat, Sakura, and the Occasional Belly Rub

Our Cat, Sakura, and the Occasional Belly Rub

The cat floating in space* to the left is our cat, Sakura. She occasionally positions herself as if she wants a belly rub, and then is offended when I actually give her one. *Okay, she’s not really in space. You can tell it was Photoshopped since she isn’t...

The Agora Letters .99 Until tomorrow

I’m running a rare promotion on the cozy mystery compilation book, The Agora Letters. Normally, this is $3.99. Today and tomorrow, it is .99. If you have Kindle Unlimited, it is...

STUFF I LIKE: High-Brow Entertainment

The other day I wanted to expose my son to some high-brow entertainment. You know, I wanted him to learn to appreciate the finer things in life–higher culture. Things like Mozart, Shakespeare, and of course, The Little Rascals. So, we sat down to watch an...