A Sneak Peek / Listen — the Next Agora Mystery: Remember thy Oath
My overall goal is to complete the tenth story of my historical mystery series by September. I am nearly finished with the first draft of #9 and I have a solid outline for #10 so it shouldn't be a problem. I've hit my word count (as meager as it is) for the past few...
Yesterday did not go as planned
Lions and Tigers and Bears--Oh My! (Not quite) Yesterday did not go as planned. The Jacksonville Zoo had a $5 admission sale going on. That would have been great except the entire city decided to show up. By the time we got there—we live a good hour away—not only were...
Clay’s Kickstarter Campaign: It’s ALIVE~!
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1463184979/the-agora-letters-historical-mysteries?ref=ci75s4 Last night, for our Kickstarter launch, we held a small pizza launch party for local friends and family. It was a blast--I REALLY wish my house and wallet were big enough...
How About a Free Short Story Audiobook & eBook? The Aliens of the Wild West
A few weeks ago, I posted a short story I wrote many years ago and only recently rediscovered. I recorded it and just finished mastering the audio. Here it is free of charge! Please leave a comment below to let me know what you think. Some "praise" for Aliens of the...
Admiring the Past without Idolatry: Gary Oldman’s Darkest Hour
Yesterday, I noticed Amazon had Darkest Hour on sale for only $9.99 (for streaming video). I had saved up $7 worth of video credit by having my orders shipped on the slow boat to Florida and so I snatched it for only $2.99. Woot! In short, it was an amazing movie and...
The Aliens of the Wild West–a Totally Free Short Story
The Aliens of the Wild West The Boss and Jimmy are inseparable, but it wasn't always like that. A mere ten years prior, the two were on opposite sides in the great Civil War that ravaged the land and tore friends and families apart. Their like-personalities and...
How to View Kindle Highlights Online
I just spent a few minutes banging my head while going through my Kindle account on Amazon. I was looking for my notes and highlights. I had remembered it being much easier last time. Sure enough, it is, but you can't get to it through Amazon.com. Instead, log into...
Major Update to Two Tocks before Midnight
I just finished a major revision of Two Tocks before Midnight with major help from Kerry Donovan. The story line did not change, but the little things were, I believe, made much bigger. If you haven't read it yet, please download it and then reply to this email with...
When Buttering Your Toast with Margarine was a Crime against Butter
The other day a news report caught my eye. The dairy industry, it seems, is up at arms regarding the definition of "milk." "Milk," they say, "must come from secretions of a cow." The target of their ire was the booming soymilk, almond milk, rice milk, etc industries....
Mr. Lazar’s Twelfth Mystery Murder on the Brewster Flats
My good friend, Aaron Paul Lazar, is moments away from releasing his twelfth (12!) Gus LeGarde mystery. If you like smooth writing that takes you places, enjoy smelling the roses, or revel in the experience that only a quiet mystery can give, give it a shot. Although...
Damn you, Carl Brooke, you have stolen my night away, I shall forever be in thine debt. I have also made my first purchase of your bundled books or letters as you call them, as I was ever content to read the books provided gratis to the general public. Foul villain of my sleep.